The street is no place for anyone but for women it is especially dangerous. Comprehensive studies note the extraordinarily high levels of abuse and victimization that these women endure before, during and after episodes of homelessness. Alicea's young life takes a page right from this reporting. The 19-year-old left Florida for Phoenix last year to escape abuse. The safety of a Grandmother's house would be short-lived after an Uncle moved into the home. Says the young woman, "My Uncle is a heroine addict and when using is very frightening. I left after he put his hands on me. I have been homeless for 3 weeks. A local shelter helped me get an I.D. a few days ago. I hope to get a job soon or a bus ticket back to Florida". #Alicea contends that while mindful to the challenges that homelessness can present she would rather take her chances on the street than subject herself to the horror inside that home. #ihaveaname THE I HAVE A NAME PROJECT